Hi, I’m Cody… a sweet and lovable German Shepherd mix. Rough beginnings have taught me to be cautious before I step, but every day has brought a new experience and I’m beginning to think a world of kindness is possible for me. I’m really shy right now and need patience and encouragement to trust my surroundings. I’m eager to do the things I see other dogs enjoying, but I still have a lot of uncertainty. My foster family has been so patient and gentle with me… they take me on adventures every week and each time I’ve felt more and more comfortable. I’ve met new friends too and was surprised to learn how many other pups want to pal around with me! I even got to walk side-by-side with a really pretty fluffy dog with a feather in her hair at one of our outings last week… I had never met a dog who wore feathers before, but she said it’s not that rare when you live in L.A. See, I’m learning something new every day!
When I think about my PAWfect family, I imagine being able to go out on adventures like I do now, to meet pups and their people, and to see the things I’ve yet to see… I’ve realized there’s so much out there and I want to explore it with someone who doesn’t mind slowing their pace for me. It sounds strange for a shy girl like me to say such a thing, but I’m speaking from my open heart here. While I want exploration, I also need tranquility – a home that is peaceful with harmony, comfy beds, laughter, and yoga… this is actually most important because what I’m seeking is union… to be accepted as a family member where I am forever cherished and safe.

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age: 6-8 Months
Size: 28 pounds
Housebroken: Yep
Spayed: Yep
Vaccinated: Yep
Microchipped: Yep​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Super Coy: Yep!